The work we do here at YES would not be possible without the incredible support that we receive.
All of YES programs require donations and fundraising to provide our essential services to vulnerable youth.
Your donation will be used in direct service delivery to provide meals, shelter, emotional support and advocacy.
Cheques can be mailed to 533 Yates, Victoria, BC V8W 1K7 or click on the button above to donate online.
Have you considered making a monthly donation?
This is a great way to make an ongoing contribution and support our work year round. To set-up a monthly donation, click on the button above and select ‘DONATE MONTHLY’.
CRA Charitable Registration: 13584 8950 RR0001
YES gratefully accepts gently used or new clothing and supplies that can be donated year round.
We ask that the goods are in decent condition, laundered and are not ripped or broken.
- Warm Jackets
- Hoodies
- Men and Women’s clothing
- Shoes
- Socks and Underwear (new only)
- Blankets or sleeping bags
- Tents
- Hygiene products (new only)
- Gloves
- Tuques
- Bags and Backpacks
- Gifts Cards (call prior to purchase if wanting tax receipt)
- Gift Baskets (great for the Christmas season!)
OUR YOUTH FOOD PANTRY PROGRAM requests perishable and non-perishable foods, hygiene products and cleaning supplies.
To make arrangements for a donation, please reach out to our Youth Food Pantry Coordinator at foodpantry@vyes.ca.
- Pasta
- Rice
- Canned Soup
- Canned Beans
- Canned Fruit
- Peanut Butter and Jam
- Instant Noodles/Kraft Dinner
- Juice
- Flour & Sugar
- Salt, pepper & spices
- Hygiene products (new only)
- Cereal
- Granola Bars
- Crackers
- Chocolate
- Laundry detergent
- Toilet Paper
- Cleaning supplies
- Toothpaste
YES can provide income tax receipts for donations of new items.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 250-383-3514 or email us at bookkeeper@vyes.ca
Housing Support Fund
VYES has a special Housing Support Fund to provide financial support for youth to access housing and get set up in their own rental unit.
Many youth may have nothing to get started with and will need all of the basics to begin. This fund was established by the Board of Directors in 2022 to respond to a need within the youth that we provide services to. To continue this important and sometimes life-changing support, VYES requires additional donations to keep this type of funding available. Youth can use these funds for:

Damage deposit
Rent top-ups (to provide short-term subsidy)
Utilities security deposit
Household goods
Bus Pass
Moving Expenses
If you wish to support this initiative, please select the Housing Support Fund option for the online payment or add a note with your cheque.
Why volunteer at YES?
Here are some of the reasons our volunteers have given us:
Gain valuable experience
Give something back to the community
Be a positive role model for youth
Learn new skills
Give help where it is needed
Have a unique opportunity to work with vunerable youth age 13-19
YES volunteers come from all walks of life and diverse parts of our community.
Many are either attending College or University studying Social Work, Child and Youth Care or related fields. Volunteering at YES provides opportunities to learn and gain valuable experience while working with caring and capable professionals and our youth clients. Individuals must be 21 to volunteer with the Victoria Youth Empowerment Society. If you are interested in volunteering, please email us at admin@vyes.ca to learn more.
Volunteer Opportunities include:
-Alliance Club (drop-in centre)
– Youth Food Pantry
-Board of Directors
-Recreational activities
-Art Therapy
One way people can become involved with the Victoria Youth Empowerment Society is by becoming a member.
Why become a member of the
Victoria Youth Empowerment Society?
Membership is one way to show your support for the services offered by YES.
Membership helps create a community whereby youth are provided with opportunities for healthy long term outcomes.
Membership increases public awareness of the Society.
The other benefits
of membership include:
An invitation to the Annual General Meeting
The right to become or nominate a YES Board Director
The right to vote at the Annual General Meeting
Input into the direction of the organization
Receives semi annual Agency newsletter
Membership Cost:
Membership is $10.00 annually and is tax deductible. Your membership begins once payment has been received.
Cheques can be made payable to the Victoria Youth Empowerment Society or by Visa or MasterCard by phone at 250-383-3514 or by e-mail at office_manager@vyes.ca
Main Office
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Alliance Club
Mon-Thurs 10am-6pm Fri: 10am-2pm