Each program has been developed to serve you,
no matter where you are at in your journey.
A drop-in center that offers a safe environment, basic needs and support for youth.
Shower facilities
Laundry facilities
Hygiene products
Computer and TV access
Access Supports
The Alliance Club is a drop-in centre for youth 13 to 19 years old. It provides a safe, healthy alternative for youth to ‘hanging out’ in the downtown core and a connecting point for street entrenched youth who may wish to explore a more positive lifestyle.
Services include meals, shower and laundry facilities, hygiene products, clothing, computer and TV access, WiFi and drop-in support.
The Alliance Club is a safe and welcoming place for youth of all genders and identities.
Hours + location:
Monday through Thursday: 9:00 am-5:00pm and Friday 9:00am-2pm.
The Alliance Club is located at the Main YES building at 533 Yates Street.
For more information contact:
Direct Line: 250-361-3923
Email: allianceclub@vyes.ca
Kiwanis Emergency Youth Shelter (KEYS)
A 10-bed home environment that provides emergency housing for youth (ages 13-18) of all genders who are homeless and/or have no safe housing alternatives.
Individual assessment and planning
Access to basic needs services (including meals, showers, clothing, hygiene products)
Connections/referrals to community supports
Assistance with job searches, resume building and skills for independence
Assistance with housing searches and community housing referrals
Individual support
KEYS is a voluntary program with no costs to youth and their caregivers.
Stays at KEYS are typically between 1 and 7 nights, with extensions available based on youth’s goals and needs.
Youth 16 years and under require the verbal consent of their legal guardian to access.
KEYS staff work to create a positive, safe, confidential, and non-judgemental space for all youth.
Referrals are accepted directly from youth, families, MCFD, and/or other community service providers.
For more information contact:
Direct Line: 250-386-8282 (answered 24 hours a day)
Cell Phone: 250-217-1471
Email: keys@vyes.ca
Specialized Youth Detox (SYD)
A voluntary non-medical withdrawal management program for all youth who want support with detoxification from alcohol and other drugs.
Harm reduction strategies
Post detox planning
Supportive and compassionate environment
Recreational activities
Group and individual support/counselling
Specialized Youth Detox (SYD) is a 5 bed voluntary non-medical withdrawal management program for all youth who want support with detoxification from alcohol and other drugs.
The program offers short term residential service for youth ages 13-18. Referrals are accepted from anyone in the community, including youth themselves.
The program offers youth the ability to stay up to 10 days (with the possibility of an extension) to detox and stabilize both physically and emotionally.
Referrals are accepted directly from the youth, families, MCFD, and/or other community service providers.
Youth are required to have a medical screen completed prior to entering the SYD program to ensure 24 hour supervised medical care is not required. SYD is able to provide individualized support services 24 hours a day to youth and their families.
The Specialized Youth Detox Intake Coordinator is available Monday through Friday 9am – 5pm and is located out of the Main YES building at 533 Yates Street.
For more information contact:
Office Line: 250-383-3514
Email: syd@vyes.ca
A goal oriented program that recognizes goals are fluid and may change from time to time. Goals are client directed and can include but are not limited to housing, school, employment and coping skills for mental health.
Focuses on learning, growing and personal development
Helps youth engage or reengage with educational and employment systems
Provides goal based program, revolving around developing healthy coping skills and life skills
Supports youth to strengthen relationships with family/caregivers and community supports
Youth Support Workers work in collaboration with the youth’s support system to ensure the youth’s time in the Life Skills program benefits their long term goals. The program emphasizes a positive attitude towards learning, growth and personal development.
The program is designed for youth, ages 12-19, who may or may not be attending school, are having difficulty finding or maintaining employment, experiencing barriers that may be impacting their ability to maintain in school/home, and/or are unable to sustain independence without additional supports.
Hours + location:
Life Skills Youth Support Workers are available Monday through Friday from 9am – 5pm to work with youth both in an office setting through scheduled appointments along with working collaboratively in an outreach and community based capacity. The SIL program is located at the Main YES building at 533 Yates Street.
For more information contact:
Office Line: 250-383-3514
Email: lifeskills@vyes.ca
supported independent living (sil)
A program that provides services and support to youth and youth adults (ages 15-23) as they transition to adulthood.
Offers transitional support that bridges the process to adult services
Fosters self sufficiency skills in youth and young adults
Provides advocacy to youth and young adults in securing and maintaining housing
Facilitates connections with community resources and systems
SIL Support Workers focus on addressing transitional services to meet the core needs of youth aged 15-23 while they gain independence and become self sufficient.
The program integrates accommodation support, personal management skill building and individual support services as components in order for youth to make a smooth transition to living independently.
SIL Support Workers are available Monday through Friday from 9am – 5pm to work with youth both in an office setting through scheduled appointments along with working collaboratively in an outreach and community based capacity. The SIL program is located at the Main YES building at 533 Yates Street.
For more information contact:
Office Line: 250-383-3514
Email: sil@vyes.ca
Youth Food Pantry
Nutrion support for youth
Access to groceries and meals
Support navigating food support in Victoria
Access to skill building workshops
Access to additional basic need items including clothing, school supplies and more
The VYES Youth Food Pantry provides youth aged 13-19 access to healthy, culturally relevant food options, household items, hygiene products, and clothing.
The Food Pantry also offers skill building workshops around food, cooking, and budgeting for grocery trips. The Food Pantry is a welcoming, anti-oppressive and trauma-informed space that is youth friendly. All of the food, supplies and workshops are free of charge.
The pantry will be open Mondays and Tuesdays from 12pm – 5pm starting November 2024. These hours may be subject to change.
Hours + location:
The Food Pantry services is located and operated out of the Main YES building at 533 Yates Street. Services are available Monday and Tuesday 12:00pm-5:00pm.
For more information contact:
Office Line: 250-383-3514
Email: foodpantry@vyes.ca
Youth & Family Support Services (YFSS)
Counselling and outreach services for youth and their families/caregivers.
Services available to both parents and youth
Counselling appointments available outside normal business hours
Individual and family counselling sessions are available
Outreach support to youth in community
The YFSS program provides support, short and longer term counselling and outreach services to youth (12-19) and parents and/or caregivers.
The objective is to provide the necessary interventions required to support the safety, well-being and reunification of youth and their families by increasing the family’s capacity to deal with the issues that have caused family challenges.
The Youth & Family Support Services staff are available Monday through Friday offering various shifts consisting of days, afternoons and evenings.
Counsellors are available to youth and their families in an office setting through scheduled appointments. The Outreach worker is available to meet youth in office and in an outreach and community based capacity. The YFSS staff team work collaboratively together to support youth and their families.
Referrals are accepted directly from the youth, families, MCFD, schools and/or other community service providers.
The Youth and Family Support Services Counselling is located and operated out of the Kiwanis Emergency Youth Shelter. Our Youth and Family Outreach worker is located at the Main YES building at 533 Yates Street and also operates in an outreach and community based capacity.
For more information contact
Office Line: 250-386-1401
Counsellors Email: yfss@vyes.ca
Outreach Worker Email:yfssoutreach@vyes.ca
Youth Services Outreach (YSOT)
Offering crisis support, intervention and prevention services for youth,
in a trauma informed and youth centered way.
Offers crisis intervention support
Provides emotional and practical supports
Youth advocacy to access appropriate supports
Provides short term and long term support
Provides referrals and connection to community supports
The Outreach program provides initial and immediate contact with youth, ages 12-19 and their families in need of services. This program provides emotional and practical support and crisis intervention to reduce risks to youth and their families.
The Youth Outreach team is a direct access point for community professionals, youth and families in crisis.
Outreach Youth Support Workers are available Monday through Friday from 9am – 5pm to work with youth both in an office setting through scheduled appointments along with working collaboratively in an outreach and community based capacity. The Outreach program is located at the Main YES building at 533 Yates Street.
For more information contact:
Direct Phone Line: 250-220-8938
Email: outreach@vyes.ca
summer opportunities
Positive, pro-social recreation activities offered seasonally.
Free summer recreational activities
Lunch provided
Activities available on a drop-in basis
The Summer Opportunities Program (SOP) is a voluntary, drop-in, day program designed to provide vulnerable youth (aged 13-19) with a safe and healthy environment, fun activities, basic needs and emotional support during July and August each year.
Youth Wellness
Provides social, cultural and recreational activities to vulnerable youth
(ages 13-19) that foster a sense of belonging and community connectedness.
Provides one-on-one support
Offers recreational activites to reduce social isolation
Provides workshops that support mental health and well-being
The Youth Wellness Program was created as a response to the mental and physical health challenges youth have faced as a result of the Pandemic, in particular isolation, loneliness, and increased anxiety. It supports youth to develop life skills and participate in health-focused activities.
The program supports youth to develop coping skills, stress management strategies and improve resilience.
The program offers a variety of activities like board game cafe, bug zoo, movie night, arts and crafts. Wellness workshops include topics on anxiety, art, cooking, financial literacy, gender identity and sexual health.
The Youth Wellness Worker is located at the Main YES building at 533 Yates st, with activities, workshops, and support offered during weekdays.
For more information contact:
Office Line: 250-383-3514
You can email wellness@vyes.ca with any questions or information requests.
Youth can garden
An opportunity to learn, to grow produce, and take home healthy fruits & vegetables.
You(th) Can Garden is a community garden situated at the Kiwanis Emergency Youth Shelter that provides youth with the opportunity to learn how to grow their own produce and take home healthy fruits and vegetables at no charge.
Offering youth the opportunity to engage in healthy outdoor recreation activities.
Down to Earth is a free outdoor program geared towards engaging youth with outdoor oriented activities.
Its goal is expose youth to healthy recreations and teach them the skills necessary to do so.
Outings take place bi-weekly and include hiking, paddle boarding, and fishing.
A program supporting youth who identify as transgender, Two-Spirit, non-binary, and gender diverse youth.
SHIFT is a group for transgender, Two-Spirit, non-binary, and gender diverse youth 13-19 years of age.
This group is designed to be an inclusive and safe space where youth can access support related to their gender identity and come together for peer connections.
Topics and activities include self-esteem building, coping strategies, navigating medical services, gender affirming care and much more.
For Information Contact:
Phone: 250-361-3923
Email: wellness@vyes.ca
You(th) Can Cook
A free community kitchen for youth.
You(th) Can Cook is a free community kitchen and garden for at-risk youth. The program helps youth build nutrition, budgeting, and cooking skills.
You(th) Can Cook is interactive and engaging, involving guest speakers, local chefs, games and prizes. Youth are also given the opportunity to obtain their Food Safe certification.
Youth are also welcome to bring a support worker to attend classes with them if requested.
For Information Contact:
Phone Number: 250-383-3514
Email: wellness@vyes.ca
Anxiety Group
A group focusing on making meaningful connections to gain coping skills and self-awareness.
The Anxiety Group is designed to be a safe and welcoming experience for youth ages 13- 19.
The group provides a learning experience for youth to make meaningful connections not only to other youth experiencing anxiety but also connections within themselves when it comes to their own coping skills and self awareness.
For information contact:
Phone Number: 250-383-3514
Email: wellness@vyes.ca
Main Office
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Alliance Club
Mon-Thurs 10am-6pm Fri: 10am-2pm