YES knows that the world is a better place when youth have the support they need to be successful and achieve their goals.

Named for the hearty soups and one-of-a-kind pottery bowls that each event guest receives as a thank-you gift, Souper Bowls of Hope 2024 will be held at the Union Club on Tuesday, October 24th. This year there will be two sittings of lunch, one at 11:00am and one at 1:15pm.

Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite at:

While attending the event, attendees will be given opportunities to see firsthand how their support is changing lives and be invited to connect with YES throughout the year so they can follow the stories of hope from YES’ clients

Join us for an afternoon filled with hope for the youth of Victoria and to learn more about how we can all make a difference in the lives of so many youth and families.