Remote Bowls of Hope


Join us for an opportunity to support the youth of Pender Island.

Coming 2025!

YES knows that the world is a better place when youth have the supports they need to be successful in their lives. Named for the hearty soups and one-of-a-kind pottery bowls that each event guest receives as a thank you gift.

While attending the event, attendees will be given opportunities to see firsthand how their support is changing lives and be invited to connect with YES throughout the year so they can follow the stories of hope from YES’ clients.

Support The Victoria Youth Empowerment Society by joining us at the event!

The Souper Bowls of Hope is Victoria Youth Empowerment Society’s (YES) iconic lunchtime event that brings the citizens of greater Victoria & the downtown business community together to raise funds in support of vulnerable and at-risk youth.

Thank you to our 2024 Community Souper Heroes

About the event

Eat Soup

Take a break from your workday and come dine on delicious soup created by three of Victoria’s Top Chefs and choose a beautifully handcrafted bowl to take home.

Have fun

Every year we bring in live music, to make our Souper Bowls event fun and vibrant, showcasing local talent.

Keep the bowl

Souper Bowls could not exist without the support of many many Local Vancouver Island Artists and Potters.

Take home your choice of a beautifully handcrafted bowl created by one of these amazing local talents, all in support of Victoria’s Street Youth though this event.

highlights from PREVIOUS years: